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Friday, January 8, 2016

January Update

Hello everyone!

Here's an update on what's happening in our classroom:

Writing: This week we started our new writing unit on Informational Writing. Students will be constructing writing pieces on a subject they are an expert at. Feel free to talk to your child at home about what topics he or she might pick and encourage him or her to look for all the areas in his or her life where they could be considered a child expert. Thanks again to everyone who was able to come to our Writers' Gathering, it was great to see so much support for our students!

Reading: We are combining our Social Studies and reading blocks by doing a large unit on Wampanoags three days a week with the focus on non-fiction texts.  We will investigate Wampanoag culture at the time of the Pilgrim's arrival at Plymouth. Several books and multimedia activities will help our students to study what life was like for Wampanoag families much like ours. Expect your child to learn about such terms as wetuwampum, and others.  We will spend the other two days a week focusing on other non-fiction texts pertaining to Martin Luther King Jr. and other Native American tribes.

Math: We have begun a new Unit expanding our conceptual thinking around multiplication, area, and division called Muffles Truffles. Despite the name--or perhaps because of it--this unit is a lot of fun and allows our students to get their hands dirty with partner work, conceptual poster making, and out-of-the-box thinking. Ask your student about Muffles Truffles!

Science: This week we started a large investigative science unit. This investigation will last several weeks and will allow students to study the various materials the objects around them are made of. They will learn how to compare and contrast different types of materials (matter) such as, pine, oak, PVC, copper, steel, etc.

Have a great weekend!!! :)