Hello everyone!
Let's hope we actually get some above-freezing days this week! Here are a few updates on what's happening in our classroom as of late:
Math: As mentioned above, the current focus of our math unit is fluency and understanding of basic multiplication and division. By the end of the year, students should know their basic multiplication and division facts (through 12*12) by heart. To this end, our homework over the next few weeks will match this goal.
Social Studies: I am very excited to announce that we are starting our Pilgrims unit of study! This week in class we will hand out our Pilgrim identities. Ask your child which Pilgrim they will become! Our students will not only be learning all about the Pilgrims' journey and subsequent founding of Plimoth, but will also be keeping a journal from the perspective of their Pilgrim!
Science: Along with our Pilgrim unit, we will be beginning our experiment-b
ased science unit on weight and measurement. There will be more exciting news coming about this unit soon!
ased science unit on weight and measurement. There will be more exciting news coming about this unit soon!
Read-aloud: We are getting into our new class read-aloud, R.J. Palacio's Wonder. A personal favorite book of mine, ask your child about it!
Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions. Thanks again for all you do!