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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Homework Policy

Dear Families,

Welcome back to school!

Please find an outline of the nightly homework policy below.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night: students will have homework
 in one of the   following areas: English Language Arts (may include Spelling,
Grammar, Science or Social Studies), Math, and English Language Arts with
Comprehension as a Focus (may include Science or Social Studies).

Once the spelling program (Fundations) is up and running (around the week of September 28th), students will be expected to prepare for a spelling quiz at the end of each unit.

Additionally, there will be times when an assignment may need to be completed over the course of the week.  The assignment will likely be given on a Monday and will have a specified due date. 

We will be checking your child’s homework each morning.  At that time, students will receive a check for completed homework.  On Friday, when students have 4 checks (one for each day), they will earn a credit.  At the end of four weeks (4 credits, which does not have to be consecutive) your child will earn a homework pass. This pass can be used at any time throughout the year.  Some students use it right away.  Others like to save the pass for a later date. 

Please feel free to contact us with any further questions regarding homework or otherwise. We look forward to an excellent learning year with your child.


The Third Grade Team