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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

January Update

Hello everyone!

Here's an update on what's happening in our classroom:

Class Blog/Website: After 2 years, I have finally made a class blog and I am very excited to share it with you all.  It will have all the classroom updates as well as photos and blogs by your own children!  They are very excited about the blog as well... but maybe it's because we have our class pets on it!  Fishy fishy :)  Please have fun and explore with your child.  

Writing: We are deep into our newish writing unit on Informational Writing. Students are constructing writing pieces on a subject they are an expert at. Feel free to talk to your child at home about what topics he or she picked and encourage him or her to look for all the areas in his or her life where they could be considered a child expert.  They are also writing a mystery in Google Docs so don't be surprised if they are asking to go on Google Docs at home.  There will not be much in-class time spent on this but it is all set up for them if they choose to continue it.  Their usernames and passwords are on a piece of paper that should live in their homework folders.

Reading: We have started Type to Learn 4 which is a typing program.  If anyone needs help accessing it from home, please let me know.  We are doing this as a station in Reader's Workshop and they love it! We will continue learning more about the Wampanoags during our reading blocks, as well as giving them ample time for independent reading.

Math: We are in the middle of a QUICK (2-day) math unit on place value and will quickly move into our Context for Learning Unit about Muffle's Truffles!!!  Stay tuned... you will see some of your children "blogging" about it.

Social Studies: We are also in the middle of our unit studying the Wampanoag people. We will investigate Wampanoag culture at the time of the Pilgrim's arrival at Plymouth. Several books and multimedia activities will help our students to study what life was like for Wampanoag families. Expect your child to learn about such terms as wetulonghousewampum, and others.  We will also be visiting a Wampanoag Homesite when we travel to Plimoth Plantation in the Spring.  We will get you the date as soon as possible so you can mark it in your calendar and chaperone!!!  :)